One Indian Girl : Book Review

One of the saddest facts about my sad life is that I don’t read a lot of books. Ask anyone on the street whether this is indeed a sad thing, and they will definitely agree. Especially if you tend to hang around bespectacled folks who carry jholas and attend seminars. Another sad thing is that when I do get around to reading a book that has nothing to do with my subject (history, not gaming!), I can’t find the proper adjective to put before “review”. Maybe reading a few more books would have given me ideas. Ah well.
Anyhow, if there’s one exception to my sad state of existence, it is Chetan Bhagat. He and I go back a long way, back to my school days. It’s too late (2:30AM to be exact) and anyhow not the right blog post to discuss my long history of interaction with the man and his literature. What I do wish to discuss though, is a specific book called One Indian Girl.
Most book reviews would give a bit of background about what the book is all about, how it fits into the genre and the age and how Bhagat has been evolving. But let’s skip all that. Instead, let’s jump directly into what I found interesting and what I did not. Because, you know, context is boring.
To begin with, the author tries to break new territory by situating himself in the mind of a female protagonist. Bhagat’s stories tend to be in first-person singular (except the sex scenes, when things definitely go “weeeeee”), and writing in first person female singular is no mean task. For one thing, you have to deal with the stereotypes that already exist in your mind regarding the other sex. Next, breaking away from them inevitably leads you into the counter-stereotypes that are created by movements like feminism. Trying to balance the two requires research and a sympathetic understanding of the fact that men and women, equally, prone to being individuals with their own distinctive traits. And from there you can weave the world of your protagonist, its supporting cast, its flaws and glories, its plot and its twists, and so on.
I’ve faced this problem, though you, the reader, don’t need to know where or why. Suffice it to say that I stumbled at the point where the individual breaks out of the stereotype, and gains a life of her own. Bhagat insures against this by meticulously interviewing a number of women. Does he run surveys ? Nope. He simply goes after the women who are closest to him and gets information about their experiences.
This makes for two qualifications to whatever he may have gleaned. One, as the Marxists will tell you, is that Bhagat being a member of the upper middle class, would inevitably gather information from upper middle class women. This, however, is not a big stumbling block if you intend to write about middle class women. The second, and more problematic issue, is that women may not open up about things that they typically wont’ discuss with men. Okay, your wife or girlfriend might. But beyond them (and one or two very close female friends) most won’t be willing to talk so openly about “matters” as they would be willing to with a woman. Even if they wanted to. Why ? Because many such issues may be embarrassing, difficult or traumatic in a way that “only women would understand.”
Be that as it may, what does Bhagat achieve? His research leads him to craft a character called Radhika. She is a middle class Punjabi girl with a management background. In other words, she is the exact opposite of the protagonist of Five Point Someone, one who is as close to Bhagat in terms of existence as can be possible. This is a wise decision, since reducing the number of variables makes it easier to feel at one with the character you’re creating. It also allows him to claim that his work is a comparison of the different reactions that men and women face under similar circumstances. All this adds a modicum of credibility to the overall premise.
Moving from background to the actual events, though, raises some very important questions. Radhika is seen as an overachiever with very little social life and even lesser experience with men. That, prior to her bagging a prize job at Goldman Sachs and flying off to New York to smash the glass ceiling. Here we face the first problem. All of Bhagat’s stories have been based in India. Okay, so some parts of Three Mistakes of my life may have been situated outside, ditto with Half Girlfriend, but mostly it’s been India. This is important, since Indian readers, for all their love of the firang and the vilet, internalise Indians living in India  more than any NRIism.
Radhika, however, hardly ever returns to India.  When she does, she is completely cut off from Indian society. Yeah, so her mom keeps nagging her about marriage. And she has periodic complexes about her sister. But that’s it. You hardly hear of a single truly Indian character in India with whom Radhika interacts. This lack of an Indian setting threatens to turn the story into the equivalent of a Karan Johar film.
Beyond the risk of aloofness, this also raises the ghost of context. It’s no secret that Indian society doesn’t take kindly to its women. Naturally then, the impediments facing a girl in India would be much more than those facing one living in the States. At the same time, these would be experiences that Indian women would not want to open up about when speaking to a man (the point I made earlier). So could it be that Bhagat could not get the information about the problems faced by women in India from Indian women  ? Did this force him to locate the story in an exotic setting devoid of the various ills that plague Indian society ?
In fact, Bhagat’s use of society is sharply attenuated. Our protagonist goes through life without facing a single issue of sexual harassment, molestation, stalking or eve-teasing. Except for a rather blatant case of misogynism in the boardroom (which seems sort a face-saving gesture on the part of Bhagat), there is no trace of the problems faced by women, either in India or in the US. Hence, Radhika emerges as an equal of men in a manner that does not reflect actual society. This makes for comfortable reading for men (including myself) who are not affected by such issues, yet in hindsight Radhika does appear to much of a man in the eyes of society.
So what issues does she face ? The prime one, expectedly, is that of marriage. A nagging mother and an inherent sense of proving herself worthy of being a wife and a mother plague Radhika’s conscience (and phone calls). Her sister, as the arranged-marriage girl of the family, acts as a template which Radhika must follow regardless of what she achieves in her professional life. Failing to find love on her own eventually leads her to give in, which culminates in the plot finale.
A second issue is that of her physique. This issue is more easily solved and once she regularly has sex, her self-image improves. In fact, Bhagat is mature enough to show that with growing sexual maturity, she both realises the self-control required and also the pointlessness of the traditional mores of self-controlled chastity. What emerges is a pragmatic woman who knows what she wants out of sex, and is not afraid to ask (or gently force) her partner into cunnilingus. At the same time, she is ready to reciprocate and is open about her desires (or lack thereof) of sexual feelings at any given time. Bhagat, consciously or sub-consciously, breaks down what had turned into a criticism of his work – that his female characters tended to be one-trick ponies when it came to sex, being shy before seeking out sex and essentially letting men take control. (His last work, Half Girlfriend, broke this trend to some extent but only partially).
Another sign of maturity is his handling of sex scenes. Bhagat’s writing is not erotica, and he does not even try to step into the realm of female erotica. Despite this, his handling of the scenes is more mature and detailed. No longer are bed scenes put forth in the final paragraphs of a chapter and left hanging, the next chapter beginning at the end of the coital session. In OIG, Bhagat takes time and effort to describe foreplay and coitus. Most importantly, he uses this to show the character traits and sexual evolution of his protagonist. Given that the protagonist is female, this is all the more commendable.
The choice of lovers is less so. Both her lovers (and her arranged would-be-husband) are Indian, though they belong to three different communities. The surprising part is that barring the last, they are placed in foreign surroundings. Couldn’t Radhika have found love outside the subcontinental diaspora. Bhagat gives no plausible explanation for this, but one has to presume that with his prime character being a woman, it made sense for her to deal with Indian men, thus giving an element of familiarity. Also, perhaps, it would help assuage the Indian male ego!
Their behaviour, too, is somewhat predictable. Thankfully, here Bhagat makes the predictable work for him. Not unnaturally, Radhika seeks to be a wife and a mother. Her first lover (a Bengali, gah!) wishes her to be that, but without her job. Her second lover wishes her to be his lover, but not his wife or his kids’ mother. This contradiction, where being a wife and a working professional come into conflict, are borne out by the two relationships Radhika goes through. To Bhagat’s credit, she is shown to be sympathetic to both, and tries her best to salvage what she can. Yet she eventually has to walk away, either on her own or because she is pushed out.
This makes her realise that neither of the two aspects need contradict the other. More importantly, she realises that she need not put up a timeframe for marriage, and thus accept one or the other. This realisation dawns when she is preparing to marry her arranged groom, and both exes turn up to woo her back. Radhika eventually decides that ultimately, what women want is also categorised by men and given in pre-determined platters for them to accept. What she really wants, though, to combine all the different aspects of professional and personal life, is something no man could offer her at the moment. She follows through on her realisation.
The way Bhagat puts it across, as always, is mesmerising. Reading the book across two plane flights, I could not help but be struck by the sheer un-putdown-ability of the book. Till the very end, her dilemmas speak to you as if they were  your own. Without destroying the “her” in the protagonist, the author manages to put you in her shoes and conveys the confusions. Till the very end, you cannot decide what she would choose. The final decision may seem dramatic and a wee bit ridiculous, but it takes Bhagat to steer it away from the shores of both stereotypes and raw feminism towards the fabled isle of the perfect climax.
Yet even in all this, there is a minor gripe. Radhika seems to put her personal problems before her professional life, even though it is this professional life which she uses as a bargaining chip against marriage pressure. She changes jobs when one relationship sours, and it takes her bosses to keep her on the job. One can understand that bosses treat valuable employees with utmost care, but then who is she to treat her career in such cavalier fashion ? This, in fact, smacks more of elitism that anything else, since a middle class girl would never give up her job (unless pressurised by marriage, pressure which Radhika staunchly resists).
To conclude then, One Indian Girl ticks the usual boxes with panache. The storytelling is superb, the moral dilemmas and emotional problems are brought out and held together with superb skill and the ending is marvellous. Where he breaks new territory, the results are somewhat mixed. Radhika is a relatable character, her problems are very real and her solutions are human and commendable at the same time. But the societal problems faced by women are not highlighted. It is almost as if she does not want to tell me, the male reader, those problems lest I judge her. Again, the setting and her attitude to her job are distractions that try their hardest to break the connect the reader feels towards the protagonist. Bhagat manages to create a lively, courageous and lovable girl, but one in the wrong place and too few and too predictable scars.

Train to Redundant Station 

Pace and creativity don’t gel, no matter how much you try to maintain your creative streak in the midst of the storms of life. Yeah, they could be perfect storms like the poets have. Mostly however, you’d end up with imperfect ones that require a lot of running around and anxiety and hope and confusion, and all of this makes hammering out anything beyond the immediate confines of your job, impossible.

The last few months have been a case study of such chaos. Things have taken too many turns, and all at the same time. But this post won’t discuss that, for such chaos deserves its own mantle. This post will discuss what it feels like to reach a station you desperately wanted to reach, after every train you wanted to catch from there, you’ve already boarded along the way. So when you alight from the final train and reach Redundant station, how do you feel ?

You’d probably feel you’ve wasted a lot of money, and would waste more getting a train back to where you actually need to be. Would you feel anything else ? Yes, if the scenario were a metaphor. Thankfully, it is.

You see, stations in life, in all their hierarchical and transportational glory, are defined by the system in which you live. One such system is called capitalism. If you’re not a diehard communist, nor a recluse, chances are that some of your most desired stations in life are shaped by what you understand of capitalism. For me, it has been an ability to add capital to the world economic system and draw from it, thus turning the “wheel” ever on and on. After all, what is capital but the condensed fruit of labour combined with existing capital ?

Now contributing to the capitalist system is something that is necessary, for without it you cannot draw your basic sustenance from the system. This is something I realised during my content writing days, when each page I wrote contributed a certain amount of money to my client’s pocket via Adwords or similar platforms. Or through commissions on websites like Seeking Alpha. Or through promotion of their own products and services. But never mind. The point is that contribution is something fundamental, as fundamental as drawing your wage from the system.

But capitalism would never survive if all we did was simply produce as much as would help us survive. That would be primitive socialism, not capitalism. Capitalism implies that man would follow his natural instinct to accumulate more and more, and in doing so, would create capital that could not immediately be given out as wages. This would stack up as savings, as rent to land and capital goods and as payments to organisation. What would be done with all this ? It would be invested, of course. Invested so more money could be made, increasing wages, yes, but most vitally creating opportunities for more capital to be made. The goal of the system becomes not sustenance, but profit and capital accumulation to not only keep the wheel turning, but ever widening.

Now if you look at investment, you will see that from the perspective of the investor, it is a risk of giving out something balanced with the hope that great returns would come of it. From the perspective of the recipient, it is a loan that contains an expression of faith in the person or firm’s ability to repay that confidence and capital through dividends. Looked at from the perspective of loans, are dividend payments that different from payment of interest on an actual loan ?

At one time, I’d hoped for such investment. No share-selling dividend-paying investments would I get. Instead, I would get the ability to turn short term loans into liquid credit with which I could buy services I needed to keep the content writing afloat and also expand it. Again, this could expand into the realm of frivolous spending, but then we all have our vices. What I wanted was for the capitalist system to repose enough faith in me so as to provide me with an investment or loan. One that I could use to create more capital, and thus become an integral part of the capitalist system.

In practical form, this meant getting a credit card. Credit cards provide you with a virtual purse every month, from which you can draw as much or as little as you like, provided you pay it all back at the end of the month. If you don’t, they begin charging interest. I could have paid it all back, I could have risked paying interest. I would not have defaulted. But would they trust me with the money entrusted to them ? Nope, they wouldn’t.

You see, there are some conditions of credit-worthiness. One was the per annum income. Usually, this has to exceed Rs. 2.5 lacs for consideration. Mine was close, and may even have exceeded the amount by a certain percentage during the heydays of my content writing. But then you need to prove it through tax returns. I had not filed my taxes at the time, so no go.

When I got a regular job, it turned out that my earnings from my regular job were actually lower than my content writing earnings. So while theoretically I could show salary slips instead of tax returns, the amounts per month would simply not qualify for a credit card. Again, no go.

Things changed only when I no longer needed credit to expand my content writing career. When I got a substantial post, I had to give up my “side-job” (because middle class Bengalis would prefer to theoretically respect poor and underpaid contractual lecturers than well-earning freelancers) due to the rules of the service. Yet the yearning remained. If I could not get a credit card as investment, I could use it to build a credit score and get loans with greater ease. I could get costly stuff on EMIs. Last but not least, I could purchase goods from any store in the world, and thus be a true part of the global capitalist system.

I began applying for credit cards using my now buffed up salary slips. Trouble was, even this wasn’t the last condition involved. As it turned out, companies giving out purses filled with others’ money for you to spend need to know not just what you earn, but also where and how you earn it. And they need to verify this from the point of residence and the point of work. This meant, in practical terms, home and office verification. Trouble was, my home was very much in a city but my office space was in “remote” Tehatta. To be fair, there is nothing particularly remote about the place, given that it is a sub-divisional headquarter and is well-connected to all major cities nearby (even Kolkata, if you manage to catch a certain state bus!) How do you explain this to the companies ? You can’t, and matters weren’t helped by the fact that my DDO gave out salary slips at three month intervals.

Hence, two applications to SBI, one to Kotak Mahindra, two to ICICI and one to Citibank failed. Once it was the location, then the salary slips, then both location and salary slips. I lost count of the number of times I had to go through the whole process of application and verification only to find myself in the credit card garbage bin.

Yet this process taught me two things. One was that there was no point giving addresses of “head offices” for govt. depts will simply ignore all credit card inquiries. Secondly, you have to persuade the people at the bank that location and location alone was the reason why you couldn’t get a credit card earlier. And give them some sops with which to get them to work. Because you know, MNCs work for the next big thing. Give them a sniff and they’ll fix whatever you’re currently aiming at. Tell them that this is the last thing you want, and their duties become hard-earned favours.

At one point, I decided that it was no longer worth applying endlessly with insufficient and unverifiable information (from their perspective). So I went in for what was called a secured credit card. Secured credit cards take the risk away from the bank by forcing you to dump a goodly amount of cash in the bank. If you fail to pay up your credit card dues, the company simply skims away the due amount from the deposit you have made. The silver lining is that the deposit is a fixed deposit, and earns interest at the normal FD rate. The ugly underbelly is that because the card is given out on lien against the FD, you can’t do anything with the FD itself. You get the card, but only if the money deposited is securely out of your reach.

I went in for this option and dumped the required amount in a private bank. Once given, they informed me that the credit card would take about two weeks to materialise. Two weeks later I was told that the amount was insufficient. They would have to open another FD with an additional amount. After this, nothing more was heard of the credit card plan.

The silver lining ? The bank offered something called the Platinum chip debit card. This apparently allowed for international transactions. So while I wasn’t able to borrow money, I could still transact on every website or terminal in the world. Even as my money gathered dust in the FDs (the debit card was against a savings account), I realised that another major component of the credit card world had fallen into my lap.

By this time, my first year of substantial service was nearing its end. Courtesy some helpful colleagues, I finally managed to get hold of three months’ salary slips. Armed with this and a mouthful of complaints about how people with out of the city workplaces were being discriminated against, I turned up at yet another private bank. The lessons I’d learned earlier did wonders. Explaining that I wouldn’t be able to invest in their this-or-that scheme until I got my credit card, I managed to link my credit card needs with their investment policy sales. They assured me that the workplace verification did have a workaround.

And it did. After two phone verification calls and one home verification, my application was approved and my credit card dispatched. After some unnecessary courier trouble (during which I managed to actually howl at a certain recalcitrant executive), I received the credit card.

Even as I decided that it would be the perfect replacement for my existing international debit card, however, it was revealed that major marketplaces had acclimatised themselves to the Indian payment system and were accepting all debit cards, net banking and in some cases, even cash on delivery! Not only was my credit card rendered redundant, even my international debit card was of little more use than the normal debit cards I had.

So when I did reach the station, what did I get ? The promise of a CIBIL score, for getting easier loans. The promise of EMIs, so I could get costly stuff with ease. But below all that, defying logic, was a sense of fulfilment at having finally become worthy of being entrusted with money belonging to someone else. I could finally get my own purse and spend it, thus drawing from the capitalist system in the second and most vital of ways. Long after the raison d’etat of having a credit card had been lost, I finally had a credit card to call my own.

Bemused and satisfied, I debarked at redundant station.